Wednesday, April 2, 2014

3) Samuel Tate Packwood - Master - 1884, 1886

This is a work in process; the following information has been gathered so far:

Among his acheivments were:
Kittitas County Sheriff 1884-89
County Commissioner 1883-85
Civil War Veteran - Confederate
Founder of South CleElum

 Here is a Bio of WM Packwood:

An Illustrated History of Klickitat, Yakima and Kittitas Counties, Interstate Publishing Co., Chicago, IL., 1904

SAMUEL T. PACKWOOD, whose home is two and one-half miles west of Ellensburg, came to the Kittitas valley in 1874. He was born in Platte county, Missouri, July 4, 1842, and previous to coming to Washington resided in Barry county, the same state. He is the son of John and Abigail (Tinder) Packwood, the former a native of Virginia. The elder Packwood was born February 22, 1804, and moved from Virginia to Jackson county, Indiana, in 1825. He was married here in 1831 and in 1836 moved to Platte county, Missouri. In 1845 he crossed the Plains with his family, passing through the Willamette valley and locating on Puget Sound. From the Sound country he removed in 1849 to California and in 1853 returned to Barry county, Missouri, where he died in 1879. His wife, who was a native of Kentucky, died in 1852, during their residence in California, and was buried near Salmon Falls. Her parents were pioneers of Indiana. Samuel T. Packwood accompanied his parents across the Plains, both to and from the Northwest, and continued in the Missouri home until the outbreak of the Civil war, working on the farm and attending the common schools of his native county. In 1861 he enlisted in Shelby's division of Gen. Price's army and served until the spring of 1863, when he was captured by the Federals and taken to the government prison at Rock Island, Illinois. In 1864 he enlisted in Company K, Second U.S. volunteers, serving with this regiment until his honorable discharge. November 22, 1865, participating in the battles of Wilson Creek, Pea Ridge and many other noted engagements of the war. At the close of the war he returned to Missouri, settling in Barry county and engaging in farming and kindred pursuits. In 1874, by mule team conveyance, he crossed the Plains with his family, settling in West Kittitas valley, on what is still known as the S.T. Packwood homestead. In 1901 he removed to the S.R. Geddis place, also in West Kittitas, where he still resides. Mr. Packwood was married in Rocky Comfort, Missouri, December 24, 1860, to Miss Margaret F. Holmes, daughter of Oliver and Midia (Jones) Holmes, the father a native of Virginia and the mother of Mississippi. Both parents are dead. Mrs. Packwood has two sisters living in Ellensburg: Mrs. Modina Russell and Mrs. Ann Murray. Mr. Packwood has six sisters living: Mesdames Margaret Shaser, Lucinda Proctor, Melinda Smith, Elvira Lee, Elizabeth McClure, and Miss Mary Packwood. One brother, Isaac, and one sister, Ann, are dead. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Packwood are: John I., born September 29, 1861, living in Cle-Elum; Mrs. Colly Bradshaw, born June 4, 1874, now in Ellensburg Oliver Franklin, born January 11, 1878, living in West Kittitas valley; William, born September 23, 1879, residing on the old homestead; Harvey and Harry (twins), born April 28, 1880, living at home. Samuel T., Jr., Farnetta and George W. (twins), and another daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Hollenbeck, are dead. Although making his home in the country, Mr. Packwood is identified with numerous business interests and maintains offices in Ellensburg. He has been prominent in the political as well as in the industrial history of the county; has served two terms as justice of the peace for West Kittitas; was active in securing legislation providing for the creation of Kittitas county, and, in 1883, was appointed one of the commissioners for the new county. At the first election held in Kittitas county, 1884, he was chosen sheriff; resigned as commissioner in December, 1884, and served as sheriff until 1889. For many years he has devoted his energies and his capital to the construction of irrigation canals throughout the county and he is a recognized leader in this field of enterprise. He has been closely identified with the construction of every canal of importance in the county, from the Tanum ditch; built in 1875, on which he worked for $1.50 per day, to the Cascade canal now building. Of the company having this great work in charge, he is president and principal stockholder. He was president of the Ellensburg Canal Company and of the West Side Canal Company. Mr. Packwood figured prominently in the pioneer life of the county; was chosen captain of the home guards during the Indian troubles of 1878 and has ever been an active factor in the development of the county's resources. Besides his extensive canal holdings, he is heavily interested in valley lands and in livestock, and owns one of the most comfortable homes in the valley. Politically, he is affiliated with the Democratic party. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and also belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is one of the most influential and highly esteemed pioneers of the Kittitas valley and of central Washington.

It seems that Samuel Plattted the town of South CleElum.  The only real reason to do this would be to own the land that the Rail Station would need.

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